Сотрудники Научно-образовательного центра «Газпромнефть-Политех» ведут активную научную и публицистическую деятельность. Ниже представлены списки РИД, научных работ и публикаций, реализованных в центре.
Название | Автор статьи | Место публикации | Год публикации | Проект | Выходные данные |
Improved pseudo three-dimensional model for hydraulic fractures under stress contrast | Linkov A. M., Markov N. S. | International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences | 2020 | Т. 130. – С. 104316. | |
Conditions of secondary fracture reorientation for cases of vertical and horizontal wells | [Условия переориентации трещины повторного ГРП на вертикальной игоризонтальной скважинах] | Martemyanov, A., Shel, E., Bratov, V., (...), Paderin, G., Bazyrov, I. | Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference 2019, RPTC 2019 | 2020 | ||
Numerical modeling of hydraulic fracturing with foams and energized fluids | I.D. Antonov | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2020 | 10.1063/5.0004658 | |
The non-stationary temperature field of the fracturing fluid during the propagation of planar 3D hydraulic crac | M.B. Babenkov, E.B. Starobinskii | AIP Conference Proceedings | 2020 | 10.1063/5.0003420 | |
An algorithm for processing rock microtomography results using open source software | Buldakov P.Y., Kameneva E.E., Kuzkin V.A., Krivtsov A.M. | Obogashchenie Rud | 2020 | 10.17580/or.2020.01.01 | |
Production Log Tes Planning Based on the Metod of Value of Information | A.R.Valiakhmetova, Y.N. Paveleva, P.M. Kikin, O.S. Iliasova and A.A. Kolesnikov | European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers | 2019 | ||
Coupled Reservoir-Well Model of Sand Production Processes | Lezhnev K.E., Roschektaev A.P., Pashkin V.D. | SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference | 2019 | SPE-196883-MS | |
The Method to Model Microseismic Events during Hydrofracture Propagation | Shvarev N. G., Markov N. S. | Journal of Mining Science | 2019 | Т. 55. – С. 751-764 | |
Analysis and prediction of well performance in heterogeneous reservoirs based on field theory methods. | E. Yudin, I. Poroshin, D. Korikov, A. Morozova, O. Kolyuk | SPE-201955-MS | 2019 | ||
Adapting the explicit time integration scheme for modeling of the hydraulic fracturing within the Planar3D approach | Starobinskii E. B., Stepanov A. D. | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | 1236(1), |
Pseudo-Three-Dimensional Model for Hydraulic Fracturing with Foams | Antonov I. D. | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | 1236(1), |
Neural networks and data-driven surrogate models for simulation of steady-state fracture growth | Kalyuzhnyuk A.V., Lapin R.L., Murachev A.S., Osokina A.E. , Sevostianov A.I., Tsvetkov D.V. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | 42(3), |
A model of the proppant flowback. Setup of the theoretical framework | Фролова К.П., Григорьева П.М., Лежнев К.Э., Падерин Г.В. | Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | 7(2), |
Employment of eulerian, lagrangian, and arbitrary lagrangian-eulerian description for crack opening problem | Ivanova E.A., Matyas D.V., Stepanov M.D. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | 42(4), |
Разработка метода моделирования микросейсмических явлений при развитии трещины гидроразрыва пласта | Шварёв Н. Г. , Марков Н. С. | Физико-технические проблемы разработки полезных ископаемых | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | 5, с. 63 |
Production Log Tes Planning Based on the Metod of Value of Information | Valiakhmetova A.R., Paveleva Y.N., Kikin P.M., Iliasova O.S., Kolesnikov A.A. | SPE Conference | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | в печати |
Optimization of oil field development using a surrogate model: case of miscible gas injection | Simonov, M.V., Shubin, A.V, Penigin, A.V, Perets, D.S, Belonogov, E.V, & Margarit, A.S. | SPE Conference | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | SPE-196639-MS |
A Novel Approach to Refinment Reservoir Proxy Model Using Machine-learning Techniques | Zotkin, O., Osokina, A., Simonov, M., Alla, A., Sharifov, A. | SPE Conference | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | SPE-198411-MS |
A model of hydraulic fractured horizontal well for debit computation of slanged gas and oil | Abramov I.A., Simonov, M.V. | AIP Proceedings | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | в печати |
Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing with Foams and Energized Fluids | Antonov I. D. | AIP Proceedings | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | в печати |
The non-stationary temperature field of the fracturing fluid during the propagation of planar 3d hydraulic crack | Babenkov M. B., Starobinskii E. B. | AIP Proceedings | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | в печати |
Comparison of design optimization algorithms of a multiply fractured horizontal well | Kavunnikova E. A., Starovoitova B. N., Golovin S. V., Krivtsov A. M. | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | 1268(1), |
On the implementation of the planar3d model using the explicit time integration scheme and the statistical front tracking method | Starobinskii E. B., Mushchak N. D., Kraeva S. O., Hlopin S. V., Shel E. V. | Communications in Computer and Information Science | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | в печати |
Fast Fourier Transform in Planar3D model using an explicit numerical integration scheme | Mushchak N. D., Starobinskii E. B., Hlopin S. V., Shel E. V. | Communications in Computer and Information Science | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | в печати |
Influence of compressibility on the foam fracture modeling | Porubov A. V., Antonov I. D. | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2019 | ФЦП 1.2 | 1205(1), |
Two-dimensional model for hydraulic fracturing with foams | Antonov I. D., Porubov A. V., Bessonov N. M. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 40(1), |
On the Use of the Continuum Mechanics Method for Describing Interactions in Discrete Systems with Rotational Degrees of Freedom | Ivanova I. A. | Journal of Elasticity | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 133(2), |
Temperature of rock formation and fracturing fluid during the hydraulic fracturing process | Babenkov M. B. | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 193(1), |
Design optimization of hydraulic fracturing | Starovoitova, B.N., Golovin, S.V., Paderin, G.V., (...), Kavunnikova, E.A., Krivtsov, A.M. | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 193(1), |
Statistical method for tracing hydraulic fracture front without evaluation of the normal | Stepanov A.D. | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 7(4.26), |
Numerical models for hydraulic refracturing on vertical oil wells | Bratov V. A. | International Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 7(4.26), |
Correspondence principle for simulation hydraulic fractures by using pseudo 3d model | Markov N. S., Linkov A. M. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 40(2), |
Sensitivity of the pressure decline curve during the hydraulic fracturing to poroelastic effects | Lgotina, E.V., Baykin, A.N., Golovin, S.V., Krivtsov, A.M. | Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 15, |
Mathematical model of water hammer in a vertical well | Liapidevskii, V.Y., Neverov, V.V., Krivtsov, A.M. | Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports | 2018 | ФЦП 1.2 | 15, |
Enhanced vector-based model for elastic bonds in solids | Kuzkin, V.A., Krivtsov, A.M. | Letters on Materials | 2017 | ФЦП 1.2 | 7(4), |
On using quasi-random lattices for simulation of isotropic materials | Tsaplin, V.A., Kuzkin, V.A. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | 2017 | ФЦП 1.2 | 32(3), |
On calculation of effective elastic properties of materials with cracks | Lapin, R.L., Kuzkin, V.A. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | 2017 | ФЦП 1.2 | 32(2), |
On influence of shear traction on hydraulic fracture propagation | Linkov, A.M. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | 2017 | ФЦП 1.2 | 32(3), |
An effective method to find green's functions for layered media | Markov, N.S., Linkov, A.M. | Materials Physics and Mechanics | 2017 | ФЦП 1.2 | 32(2), |